Top 11 Web Design Trends Followed in 2017

Top 11 Web Design Trends Followed in 2017

October 22, 2017Leave a Comment Web Design

If it is not one thing, then it’s just another thing that describes the latest shifts in web design trends. In this article, I’ll show you some of the best web design trends followed 2017. These trends will make your designers to build a great website and provide a promising user experience.

2017 is looking quite promising when we talk about web design trends, so it’s time to look at the future direction of website design. Web design is the fundamental soul, which is not all about what it looks and feels like, but the design is about how it works and how it conveys your brand message. The design is a process that helps you analyze, forecast and build an idea from your thoughts, resulting in creative deliverables for your products or services. Web design includes the different areas like interface design, web graphic design, user experience design, proprietary software, authoring with standardized code and importantly SEO.

The Design process provides the front-end, user interface of the website that involves designing the website’s look and feels. And, web design describes how the visitors would interact when they have their first visit on the website. Hence, it’s quite common among web designers to follow few web design trends, so that you can make award-winning websites.

If you can remember the old days, we had very simple static pages where designers paid no attention towards the visuals and design, and the website had just text and only text. However, in the last couple of years, the web technology has become the most powerful tool. Every business owner wants to provide a favorable experience to their users.

Key Web Design Trends followed 2017:

Conversational UI

Conversational UIs creates a resurgence of interest in UI, which further creates potentials for conversation. It’s a new mode of interaction with the technology where it is important to build a great user experience which is modeled just like a natural human conversation. Text-based UIs, chatbots, IM apps, or emojis have never been more popular among web designers. Building successful conversational UI includes, threading, inherent the efficiency of language, anticipate a variable user behavior, turn-taking based on subtle signals have to avoid out of sync conversations and understanding co-operative user behavior with instilling their confidence.

top 11 web design trends followed 2017 Conversational UI

End of Traditional Web Design

The traditional web design process is fading away with the emerging new web design trends. The role of web designers in traditional web design was to make the technology look good for its users and NOW the “Web Design” is way beyond that by providing the great user experience.

Traditional Web Design

GIFs and other Animations

GIFs are just great and they are everywhere, which can be used for your web design to draw a user’s attention with richer product experience. These GIFs and various other kinds of animations are going mainstream in a lot of websites and applications to explain the workflow or provide a how-to guide for your website visitors.

GIFS and Animations

Responsive Web Design

Designing a responsive web design for a website is the best web design trends followed in 2017. It’s the most effective way of reaching a good UX where using CSS media queries helps the websites to get flexibility for adjusting the design and layout according to the various devices the site is being accessed on.

Responsive Web Design

Opting for Videos

Videos have now turned into a basic requirement as opposed to the added feature, which runs very smoothly across the website. Having a high-quality video on the website is incomparable to an image. You can have long attention spans by using high-quality video as it makes the website to speak its own language.

Videos for website

Visualization of Data

Data visualization describes the efforts made by website owners to help the people understand data significance by placing it in some eye-catching visual ways. Visualization of data is important and providing users a chance to view the stats with colorful charts increases user interaction.

Data Visualization

More Authentic and Fewer Stock Photos

You can bring personal touch to the imagery of your website by using high quality pictures. Having Original photography is more powerful than ever before that will help to reinforce brand identity.

Stock Photos

Long-scrolling Websites

Just scroll and get the information that you want. To cut down the tedious navigation and to read the complete information in a single page long scrolling is best. During the long scroll, there will be so many animation effects added to every section in the page. Long-scrolling websites constantly provide new content with images, videos, and typography to add excitement to the experience of their visitors.

Scrolling Websites

Typography Goes Bolder and Big

Typography design technique is an art and skill, which is an essential part of the powerful website design.  In 2017, Typography is being taken to a whole new level, a more central role in web design. Going bigger with typography is trending in a major way. All the brands creating an eye-catching and more attractive with the full screen that sends an assertive message to user.


Minimalist Web Design

Minimalism described as the stripping away of all the unnecessary elements, colors, textures and shapes.  From a visual representation, a website with a simple UI design helps the content stand out. Having faster loading times and better compatibility between different screen sizes of a device, minimalism benefits the website.

Minimalist Web Design

Material Design

In the recent years, Google developed a Material design and rolled out across its several applications that include Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps, and YouTube. Material Design is a way of designing the website for creating an importance and drawing the focus of users to various other areas and responding to their actions on the web page. The material design uses geometric shapes to visually improvise the website, create a depth and realism among visitors.

Google Material Design

Web Designers are now putting every effort into website design by following the best web design trends to make the site come alive in more different ways than just one. Web design provides a great user experience to the visitor. It also helps them make buying decision strong towards your product or service. The website development concerns the back-end of a website, which caters to the interactions and functionality of the website.

The listed web design trends are great and useful. But, don’t try all these trends into every single website as it will instantly decrease the UX of your website. So, pick and select which web design trend fits your business model and based on that be selective and creative.

Follow our blog to get more information on the upcoming trends in website designs.

Author: Shankar R

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